Welcome to Leemerg United Private Limited

Phytosanitary Inspection service

Helping Indian Exporters/Shippers to meet all Export-related Phytosanitary Requirements

The process of phyto Certification starts with the submission of the Application with requisite forms, fees, supporting documents, proofs, permits, licenses etc. being subject to verification, followed by online registration process. Our expertise and experience in the field will ensure a hassle-free experience for you at this stage.

Basic Data of the export commodity required for obtaining phytosanitary certificate

  • Name & address of Exporter
  • Name & address of Importer
  • Commodity Name (Common)
  • Commodity Name (Botanical name)
  • Quantity (Wt./Vol.)
  • No. of pieces/packages/containers
  • Nature of package material
  • Means of conveyance
  • Country of origin
  • Port of loading
  • Country of export
  • Port of unloading
  • Date & place of inspection of goods
  • Invoice/Shipping/Airway Bill No.
  • Invoice/Shipping/Airway Bill date
  • Value of commodity (Rs.)
  • Purpose of Export (Sowing/Planting/Consumption)

Inspection of Export Material/ Consignment

Leemerg shall thoroughly inspect consignments to ensure that they comply with export requirements relating to quarantine pests or regulated non quarantine pests. The consignment is scrutinized for adherence to all export standards and also Phytosanitary requirements specific to the importing country.

Our staff is directly authorized by NPPO and are accountable, competent and capable in identifying pests and diseases in plants, plant products and other regulated articles.