Welcome to Leemerg United Private Limited

Who we are

At a glance

As the leading Phytosanitary service agency, Leemerg is driven by in-depth analysis of biosecurity measures of importing countries specific to each of the agricultural commodities being exported from India. We are responsible for conducting inspections as per phytosanitary principles and driven by high integrity in our work ethic. We focus on individual evaluation of each exporter and their cargo for conformity with all technical aspects of EXIM trade agreements, keeping in mind the business model of the exporter.



Leemerg Private United is a Company registered under the Ministry of Corporate Affairs of the Government of India, with its registered office at Cochin and having branches in Trivandrum and other major cities.

At the outset, being a pioneer Phytosanitary Service Agency registered with the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare, Leemerg was founded with the aim of becoming the most reliable, convenient and hassle-free pathway for all export-related activities of Indian agricultural traders, big and small, providing comprehensive assistance through the entire process of official documentation, phytosanitary inspection, testing and certification of consignments.

As intermediary between Government of India and Exporters for phyto clearance, Leemerg strives continuously to maintain the highest standards of integrity, service quality, transparency and thoroughness, nurturing an atmosphere of trust in the field of international trade, making India a destination of choice for importing countries all over the world.

Our Mission

To be a trusted and responsible and principled Phytosanitary Service Agency for undertaking official inspections to meet international standards, on behalf of the Government of India and thus, to eliminate pest interceptions and ensure zero generation of non-compliance notices from importing countries, and thus to boost exports from India.

Our Vision

Leemerg shall be a responsible and professionally-managed company, strictly adhering to the standards of DPPQS, by fostering in its employees integrity, care and attention and emerge as the leading Phytosanitary Service Agency of choice for exporters in India. Reflecting competence and reliability, Leemerg shall aim to support the Government in facilitating safe global trade and set national and global benchmark for all phytosanitary support services.